Saturday, September 11, 2010

Here We Go Again.....

...I've been there before
And I will try it again
Any fool, any fool knows
That there's no no way to win
Here we go again......

Sung by Ray Charles/Nora Jones

This isn't the first, second or even eighth time I've started to blog and I'm sure you noticed the date on my last post.....oh, I had every good intention when starting each one to faithfully write something everyday, but found it soon became stale, and I struggled to come up with ideas to write about and post and when I had what I thought was a good idea, I struggled to put the words in my head into a post so it made any kind of sense to the reader ~ and just who has the time to live life and then write about it anyway?

Recently, I was home, minding my own business, busy with everyday stuff and had The View on in the background ~ (I cannot putter or do much of anything without noise in the background distracting me, but that's my issue and another topic!) I don't usually watch the View, but the odd occasion when I'm able to I really get a kick out of watching Hot Topics. The rest of the show I can take or leave, depending on who's on ~ not too many hold my interest, and, if I happen to hear something I'd like to see while puttering, I have a PVR and can rewind it, catch what I missed and fast forward through commercials.

Ok back to my point, and I do have one.....that day while puttering, I heard something about a pioneer woman and her website ~ being a country girl at heart, (I was brought up on a farm many, many years ago) ~ I rewind The View enough to catch her website The Pioneer Woman and I never thought much more about it ~ until I sat at my laptop and I first saw the full title of her website, "The Pioneer Woman plowing through life in the country ... one calf nut at a time" I laughed out loud, and knowing immediately this would be a site I would visit time and time again I bookmarked it.

Her story "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels", kept me riveted. I read all 46 chapters quite quickly and when I was done, I thanked the Lord I got it all at once and could read the story at my pace and wasn't tortured like the poor readers who got that story in increments and would wait eagerly for the next chapters to be posted. yes, I know tortured is a very strong word, but read the comments after each chapter....

her cooking pages have recipes that I cannot wait to try ~ ohhhh I love recipes and each step has a photograph so you can follow along, which is perfect for someone like me, who is always wondering if it looks the way it's suppose to.....

she has easy to understand lessons that has taught me to use that expensive camera I bought but continued to use my point and shoot camera because I was too intimated to use the new one with all those buttons and settings and sat in that fancy new black case mocking me.....

lessons and downloads for PhotoShop which I've dabbled with but can't really get it to do what I would like it to....make sure you check out her Butterfly Trick post on the lessons page

her photography is beautiful, her children are gorgeous, and her cowboy husband's backside looks pretty damn good in a pair of chaps ~ is that wrong to say when she posts the photos for me to drool over ~ UMMMM...what I meant to say is photos for me to look at and study the composition ~ UHHHHH....learn about the photoshop action....

her *almost* daily blog is a joy to read, she's a wonderful writer who knows how to tell a story that keeps you interested, and leaves you feeling tortured as you wait eagerly for the next to be posted...

Anyway, having said all of that, what I'm trying to tell you is I'm all for being accountable for your actions, but this time it's all Pioneer Woman's fault I am starting to blog yet again, because on September 8, 2010 she posted "Ten Important Things I Learned About Blogging", and planted a seed in my brain which has grown over the last 3 days ~ we go again....

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