Rock in my swing and watch my garden grow
Know that I'll always have someone to hold
Oh I-I-I wanna live the simple life Yeah
Sung by Carolyn Dawn Johnson
Recently I was watching the local Saturday morning news and watched an interesting interview with Rachel Jonat aka The Minimalist Mom. I've never heard of her or the minimalist life before ~ they mentioned her website The Minimalist Mom and I casually looked at it and got to thinking.....hmmmmmmmm wouldn't it make life easier? Could I do it?
She mentioned in the interview a true minimalist has no more than 100 things, she also said she had more than that, although she didn't say how many she had and I was quite impressed when they showed before and after photos of her and her husband's closets!
THINK ABOUT THAT....100 THINGS OR LESS??? Now I'm all for cutting down and simplifying my life, what I'm not so sure about is how in the heck can anyone live with 100 things or less?
My first question was ~ you get to keep 100 things EACH right?'s 100 things per household ~ and no matter how much the idea of using what you have really appeals to me, there is no way the 3 of us could only have 100 things between us ~ we each have at least 7 pairs of underwear and socks each, that's 42 things right there and that's not even a shirt, blouse, jeans dress slacks, sweater, jacket, mittens, hats not to mention shoes, purses, toiletries, dishes, pots/pans, COOKBOOKS (which I have A LOT of), food, furniture, knick knacks, photos, plants, I could go on and on ~ and I feel a panic attack coming on just thinking about all the things I have in this house ~ breathe, Tracey, breathe!!
My next question ~ does the package of 30 rolls of toilet paper I buy at Costco count as 1 items or 30? Oh man, I'm in big trouble here....
When Ray and I got married, we had to combine 2 homes ~ which is hard for anyone. I had my things, Ray had his, and of course I wanted to keep what I had and Ray wanted to keep what he had and we ended up having some heated debates and hurt feelings about about who's stuff to keep and use and even at the time, I was surprised how unwilling we each were to let our stuff go.
I work for a school district and I get summers off ~ and for the last 3 summers, I've sorted through all the stuff in the garage and was very happy with myself that I got rid of more than 1 full pickup truck load each time, and although it's neater now, it's still packed to the rafters with stuff we can't part with ~ whether it's stuff we're sentimental about or stuff we are sure we'll need in the future.
I'm far from a hoarder, but I'll confess right now ~ my kitchen cupboards, junk drawers, chest of drawers, closet each have more than 100 things in them, I have stuff in each of the above named places that is brand new and never been used/worn...
As much as I love the idea of the simple life ...and as much as I know we don't need all this stuff ~ I just know that that the minute I get rid of ANYTHING I'm going to need it, kick myself in the butt for getting rid of it ~ and go to the store to replace it!