Only love sails straight from the harbor
And only love will lead us to the other shore
Out of all the flags i've flown
One flies high and stands alone
Only love
And only love will lead us to the other shore
Out of all the flags i've flown
One flies high and stands alone
Only love
Sung by Wynonna
I love my husband, he is such a great guy ~ he comes off as rough and gruff, and when most people meet him they don't like him, however if they stick around long enough to get to know him, they realize he's a sheep in wolf's clothing!
He has no filter what-so-ever....if he thinks it he will say it...which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the circumstances and he is brutally honest...which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the circumstances :)
He is stuck in his ways ~ which are very old fashioned ~ he doesn't like change and how the younger generation (it's all about me, me, me and screw you) behaves, and while I don't agree with all of his old fashioned beliefs ~ I love my job, speaking up to defend myself, the ability to vote ~ there is something to be said for the way the world used to be.
We are very loving and demonstrative toward each other ~ (this is very creepy to my 16 year old son, which can be lots of fun sometimes) and I know this comes from learning how short and delicate life is through the loss of our previous spouses.
He never fails to amaze me....
he's got a smile that is very infectious....
he's always appreciative of things I do for him
this bouquet arrived at work one day ~ the card reads Just Because I Love You |
he always has something nice to say to me, or doing something for me to make me feel special
he's always encouraging me to do stuff he knows I want to try
he's always doing goofy things and acting silly...
to make me laugh...
...and boy does he make me laugh :)
He is so good with his grandchildren ~ you can see the love in his eyes when he spends time with them.
This is one of my favorite photos of him ~ it was taken just after we first met.
One of my favorite photos of us :)
My favorite photo of our wedding
we got married very quickly ~ 6 months after meeting ~ we got a lot of grief from our families and friends about it BUT I knew I was making the right choice and so did he and thank the Lord we were both right!! As I explained to my 16 year old son, who I just found out recently was upset I got married so quickly ~ we aren't 19 years old, I was 46 and he 54 and we both had been in long term marriages and knew what we were getting into and what it takes to make a marriage work ~ yes, we've had our down times and it hasn't been all smooth but I think that's what makes the good times even better.
Our wedding was very low key and quiet and I loved it. I went to work on a Friday and at lunch in comes Ray with a dozen roses and announces we're getting married tonight! I was in shock ~ I didn't believe he was serious! I was also very happy and very much in love. I went home from work, had a long hot bath, got dressed went downstairs and got married :) It really couldn't have been better ~ it was stress free and intimate. Afterward, we went to the Keg and had a great dinner with a couple family members and friends.
Happy Anniversary Babe, you'll always be the King of my heart ;)
Love you forever
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